Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sample Workout (Chest & Abs!)

I am probably going to end up in bodybuilder hell for this, but chest day is my absolute least favorite day of the week… That being said, I know it’s necessary and I try not to let my general dislike of it affect my training – I hit is just as hard as I would any other body part and last night was no exception!  As you will see in a moment, I also train abs when I train chest – I know I said chest was my least favorite, but I take it back, abs are my least favorite.  Yes, I combine my 2 least favorite body parts on the same day, what can I say, I’m a glutton for punishment…

Here is the chest & ab workout I did yesterday – it lasted about an hour:
This is why I absolutely REFUSE to train chest on Monday!
Superset Cable Flies & Toes to Bar:
I can’t remember the weight I used for the flies, but I did 4 sets of 10 each – for the toes to bar I did as many strict as I could, and then finished up to 10 for each set with regular straight leg raises.
Bench Press:
95 for 10, 115 for 8, 135 for 6, 5, 4, 115 for 8

Bodyweight Dips:
10, 8, 8, 8, 8

Superset Dumbbell Bench Press & Dumbbell Pullovers:
Press: 45’s for 8 – 4 sets total
Pullovers: 25 for 10 – 4 sets total

Superset Hammerstrength Super Incline Press & Ab Wheel Rollouts:
35’s for 10, 9, 9, 8 drop to 25’s for 6
12, 10, 10, 10

To finish, I ran sprints for the first time in months (I am recovering from a foot injury and sprints have been off limits for awhile).  My gym has an indoor turf area – I have no idea how long it is (maybe 120 feet?), I ran down & back twice – and then did 5 handstand push ups.  I did that combo 3 times, and then spent a little more time practicing handstands and doing some planks – I have been doing a LOT of handstand practice lately because I am obsessed with them and want to be able to do them without a wall by my birthday (in about 3 weeks) – I think I will be able to – I have the strength part down, I just need to learn how to balance!

I hope you enjoy these sample workouts – I typically switch things up a little every week, but for the most part my workouts are always pretty similar and incorporate the same movements.  I change things like weight, reps, sets, and the order of some things – to keep it interesting and avoid plateaus.  I like to share these workouts to help keep myself accountable, and to hopefully help you with your own workouts.  It you’re looking for a new chest workout – give this one a shot – just change the weights/reps to accommodate you, and let me know if you like it!  And please, don’t get discouraged by the numbers, everyone is different and everyone has to start somewhere – the important thing is that you start!

1 comment:

  1. Ha, I'm the same - chest/shoulders day is definitely my least favourite day at the moment! I don't know why, maybe its because the weight I do on the bench is tiny compared to my squat/deadlift. But I'm the same as you, will always put as much effort in! :)
